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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The kid who can’t have……..ANYTHING!!!

Today we have a birthday in the family and when trying to figure out what kind of cake we could all enjoy I started thinking….Does one exist??? First of all, how do you frost a cake without butter or margarine or powdered sugar? ( J can’t have dairy, corn, rice) and those three things all have one variation of the other three items. While looking for a recipe with those restrictions I found that powdered sugar CAN be made with pure sugar cane and tapioca, potato starch, arrowroot or cream of tarter. So starts my new challenge! By the end of the month I will have mastered (at least created) a frosted cupcake that does not make J flare!!! Maybe I should give myself some breathing room. By Halloween J will be eating a cupcake without getting itchy!!!! You are probably wondering if there is a recipe why would it be so difficult. The difficult part is… can J tolerate tapioca, arrowroot, potato starch or cream of tarter???? If she can tolerate one of these, how in the world am I going to get the powdered sugar into a frosting form without butter or margarine? I am hoping that I can make a fudge like frosting with oil. But…… what in the world is in cocoa besides chocolate???? Sweet Ali, why can’t you think of all these things for me??? Don’t fret because if this journey forms an edible cupcake I will post the recipe. Let’s face it you are all dying for a cupcake like this ;-)


  1. I make frosting with crisco - usually I buy the grocery store brand because it has trans fat in it and the Crisco brand doesn't. The trans fat makes it better, but I really don't know how if it would matter if you aren't using powdered sugar. I'm not sure what the ingredients are or if she is allergic to any of them, but I thought I would suggest it!

  2. Can you use Enjoy Life chocolate chips? They are dairy, soy, nut, and gluten free. Here's a recipe from that might work for you. Basically it's like a dairy-free ganache.

    1 cup chocolate chips
    ½ cup grapeseed oil
    2 tablespoons agave nectar or honey
    1 tablespoon vanilla extract
    pinch sea salt

    In a small saucepan over very low heat, melt chocolate and grapeseed oil
    Stir in agave, vanilla and salt
    Place frosting in freezer for 15 minutes to chill and thicken
    Remove from freezer and whip frosting with a hand blender until it is thick and fluffy

  3. Omg! We could totally do a version of this!!! I love her site! How did I miss this?!?! Thnx for posting! I will for sure be making this in the future to top some cupcakes or a cake!
